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Equip courses

The Passage Church is devoted to "equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, to build up the body of Christ" according to Ephesians 4:12.

4-6 Week Courses

Equip courses are short term and high impact for your benefit. You're called to live on mission. Less time sitting and more time living out the gospel is our priority. Being a disciple and making disciples is what we're all about!

Bible Based Curriculum 

All of our courses are centered around God's word as the base of instruction. Our hope is that your love for the scriptures grows immensely as your study together. 

Dynamic Learning Environent

Equip courses are small, discussion based environments designed to impart more than just knowledge. You will engage in challenging discussion and practical work outside of the classroom. 

Life Application

More than a base of knowledge, Equip courses are meant to be practical. You will challenged to apply God's word in measurable and noticeable ways in the world around you. We want you to be a disciple maker!

upcoming  courses

You can find more information and register for upcoming courses using the calendar below. 
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Equip Courses

Previously Offered Courses

Our leaders recognize that not all discipleship environments afford the ability to dive into important topics as deeply as we need or would like. That's why we began Equip. We typically offer 4-5 courses throughout the year on varying topics all geared to help you be a better disciple maker.