Is God Working In Your Life? Tell Us About It...

Share Your Gospel Moment

It's so important to share what God is doing in our lives and hear what God is doing in the lives of others. We want to celebrate with you and share your gospel moment. 

What is a "gospel moment"?

A gospel moment is a time recently where you saw God at work either in you or through you. Maybe you able to pray with your neighbor when they had a family crisis. Or you God answered a prayer you've been praying for a while. Perhaps you shared your testimony with a friend at work or school. We want to celebrate that with you!

How does it work?

When you fill out the form below it is securely submitted to our pastors. If you give permission, your story could be shared on social media, on screen in the lobby of the church, or we might ask you to let us read your it on Sunday morning from the stage. For this reason, we're asking you to keep responses to 300 words. Give us the highlights and we'll give God the glory. 

Share your gospel moment below. Please limit your story to around 300 words. 
When did this gospel moment happen? (Approximate dates are fine)
Where did this gospel moment happen? Be as specific as you like.